
Premium Agency Partner In UAE

Home of Performance becomes the certified premium agency partner in the UAE. As one of the premium partners in the region, our mission is to deliver top-quality marketing solutions to our partners, leveraging our skills and expertise in the Criteo

Performance Tracking

Criteo enables services or businesses to engage with the audience by showing the perfect ad to the right people at the right audience at the right time. A perfect dynamic retargeting solution, Criteo enables real-time performance tracking for your ad campaigns.

Dynamic Retargeting

Criteo Dynamic Retargeting helps online retailers with enlarging their customer base by delivering the right ad at the right time. Criteo Al Engine keeps a track on buyers’ engagement which helps in making customised ads resulting in higher profits. Through the data gathered, they successfully show customers products they might be interested in which, again, creates more sales.

Mobile App Advertising

Criteo App Retargeting potentially increases revenue from existing customers. It increases in-app conversion rate by showing highly personalised ads based on customers buying behaviour, enabling them to predict and show products the customers might like, resulting in up to 28% purchases of products the customers were previously not aware of. Further, the ads provide links to relevant product pages which increases products browsed per user up to 3x.

Select ad objectives and target your audience accordingly. You can do this by either uploading an existing customer list and finding similar customers or by letting us select the audience best suited to your ad objectives.

Track performance through the reports generated.  You can set budgets, control bid strategies, start or pause campaigns according to their performance, and start new campaigns.

You can analyze the data over different time periods, compare it with other campaigns, view best performing product categories, and top-performing domains.

What is Criteo?

Built on the open internet criteo is one of the leading advertising platforms. With its advanced AI engine, it offers a holistic suite of advertising solutions like dynamic retargeting, audience match and mobile app marketing.  It helps business is to gather customer information through merchant sites, online browsing history, and past purchases to help direct them towards businesses. Criteo also helps businesses to increase their revenue through existing customers by showing them products which they were not aware of before. This is achieved through extremely personalised ads which show products the customers might be interested in. Furthermore, the customised ads also help in generating web traffic as new customers are directed to the businesses’ website. 

Let us help you with Criteo integration

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