Case Study



Social Media Management

Flogapp is a freelance platform where professionals can join and connect with potential clients that are in need of their services. Flogapp plays the connector and the organizer role that manages such a risky and intense process involving business deals and transactions. Freelancers: Professionals that have services to offer based on what they are good at. Users: People and businesses that are in need of any of the freelancers services. Flogapp provide the platform that allows both to connect, and close deals with each-others.

What our partners
Have to say about us

“HOP has a great team. We have been working with them since the time it was established. We have a great partner in HOP who has helped us achieve exponential scale in our business over time.”

– Riddhi Ojha

Chief Technology Officer



We have faced few serious challenges with Flogapp projects as following:

  • Very limited budget to spend that would not allow us to produce high end educational or promotional videos, and not enough to conduct photography sessions.
  • Flogapp is a bit unique subject that the market is not yet familiar without it in general
  • Flaogapp is not a very simple project as it requires more than 2-5 minutes to explain to people
  • the Flogapp Mobile application was not up in the stores which makes it difficult for the audience to interact.


We have managed to put on a strategy that melted down the above challenges as following:

  • We relied on our in house graphic design skills to create very expressive branded posts that speak out loud.
  • We managed to come up with a concept that is very dynamic that got the audience excited and interactive with the content.
  • We managed to manipulate the topic of Flog and present it through career motivational series of topics 
  • We were able to win the audience by giving positive and useful energy that he audience responded at beautifully.We broke down the Flogapp as a topic to a series to small topics that got the audience interested and looking for more.


Launching Flogapp was very interesting for us an agency for the client as well, and we have witnessed the following as an impact of the above strategy:

  • Over 500 followers on Instagram in the first 14 days from launching the social media pages through purely organic posting.
  • Over 400 followers on Facebook in the first 14 days.
  • Over 20% interaction rate on all posts
  • Over 150 leads in the first 2 weeks 
  • Winning a high approval rate from the audience over 90

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