Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made significant progress in generating content based on internet research. As content shifts towards infographics and video posts, there is a growing demand for AI-powered video mockups that engage audiences and convey a transformative appeal.

Content creators often struggle to cater to their audience’s visual preferences while working within tight budgets. However, the introduction of AI video editing programs has provided an affordable solution for content creators to keep up with the demands of producing engaging content. This blog will highlight 5 affordable Al video generator tools that can help content creators efficiently handle their daily video editing tasks.

What are Al video generator tools?

AI video generator tools are software applications that use artificial intelligence algorithms to transform textual content, such as blogs, into visually engaging videos by considering a wide range of variables. These tools take into account various factors to create videos that align with a specific persona or editorial calendar. With minimal human interaction, AI generator tools can construct videos, and they can also incorporate AI voices for text-to-speech functionality.

Albeit being in the introductory phase, Al video generator tools show great potential to create audience-specific content by leveraging recorded audience data. This means that the experimental phase is supported to create highly personalised video pieces because Al is, after all, the new technology which surpasses menial content-creating manpower. However, an important aspect to keep in mind is that AI has never been solely independent. It requires a thorough understanding of logistics and analytical research, which allows for the verification of video content that aligns with the pillar page or the main theme of your video campaign objectives.

AI Video Generator tools combine advanced AI algorithms with user-friendly interfaces, offering a diverse range of features to create compelling videos. Read on to dive into the five affordable AI video generator tools.

01. InVideo

As tech-savvy individuals, we often consider InVideo to be the perfect video editing tool to create videos which are economical, personalised and creative. With several aspects of professionalism in creating unique content from thousands of users’ input, InVideo provides about 50+ Al-based templates which support voice overs, text-to-speech data or plain text programmed into its web-based software. 

InVideo is not only mobile and tablet responsive but also offers data packages with reasonable pricing and even a trial run for beginners on a budget. InVideo is also highly accessible over the net.

02. Synthesia

Synthesia is one of the leading video creation tools available, as it enables collaboration by transforming 2-dimensional images into a diverse range of faces. This video generation tool not only supports voice overs but also offers a film-like experience for training and production purposes. This is often useful for on boarding new foreign employees who make use of the language voice over feature, or if you lack the lustre to allow the real cast being filmed in your video editing piece. 

Synthesia comes with fewer fallback except that you might need to learn the logistics of using the tool and could require a more flexible payment plan

03. Pictory

Pictory allows you to envision transforming long-form video content into bite-sized portions that can be easily stored, re-captioned, and repurposed for future use with minimal modifications and expenses. Pictory offers the opportunity to upsell raw advertising materials or components, such as a pillar page with sub-domains, or a video that effectively summarises the primary purpose for audience engagement. Instead of repurposing the end result from current video material, you can add a unique selling point (USP) flair that Pictory achieves in many sales briefings.

And much like Al functions, Pictory has a very intuitive algorithm and improves its functioning over time such as retrieving key snippets which speak directly to an advertising conflict. Pictory is known to be user-friendly as well and is inclusive of the whole asset package in terms of cost.

For small enterprises and businesses looking to create a cohesive brand theme within a limited digital scope, offers the best editing experience with a cost-effective monthly plan. While dissecting videos is a common phase for many video editors, the in-house experts provide a step-by-step personalised experience which delivers high-quality video rendering in a matter of minutes. 

The one-off clicking mechanisms within the video editing dashboard also upgrade the video editing experience and are easily readable for novice users who have not dabbled with videography and prefer a simplified editing process without extensive collaboration


From text to video, Lumen5 covers it all. The drag-and-drop interface is easy to use and is just a snippet adjoined to a template scheme which has one of the closest resemblances to virtual reality and 3-dimensional characteristics. What makes Lumen5 stand out is its ability to concoct a miniature video frame that truly has facets to the overall social architecture of the brand you are trying to sell, and can relate to your market audience with the videography.

In conclusion, AI video generator tools offer substantial returns on investment, considering that AI has become indispensable in the digital landscape. While Al progresses it’s identifiers and performance in presenting video data, with time Al video editing tools will be a major agenda in content calendars concurrently. 

With the global milestones quickly shifting with new cosmopolitan avenues, people will vouch for freedom of expression in the way they reside, shop and work. AI video generators are capturing the holistic wavelength of brand voice which is modified by human interaction, unmistakably meaning that Al will be present for content creators in days to come. 

Furthermore, AI video editing has gained relevance by addressing data touch points that may have been misinterpreted or overlooked during the conversion to visual searches. This unlocks a new paradigm for the brand voice that AI video editing taps into.

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