First, we need to say that if you are reading this post, you are probably one of the lucky in the world right now that actually can do remote work. Even though it’s a challenge, we need to acknowledge that we are extremely lucky to be able to work remotely at this point.

I know social media is flooded with tips on how to succeed with your remote work – Even so 🙂 I will give it a go by outing our 5 best tech apps that we utilize to maximise our effort working remotely.

1. Human Capital

I do know that individuals are not software:) But I strongly believe that the most important component of succeeding remotely is having the right people in your team. At the end of the day, it does not matter which software you are using or how savvy you are. If the team members do not feel accountability and pride in their job, it won’t get done. So the most important investment we can do is the people we hire. 

2. Workplace by Facebook

Workplace chat is very similar to Teams by Microsoft or slack. We happen to use workplace and its been crucial not only during the remote work but also in our “normal” situation. Since we have teams in multiple countries we are used to working in different locations. Having the “Social” part of work even if its vai an app is something I strongly advocate. What gives Workplace an edge is the feeling of “Social Media” for work. We can tag locations, express feelings and create a narrative of the team while working. 

3. Trello

Trello has for us been a lifesaver in terms of meeting deadlines, mapping out projects and getting everyone tasked up. The challenge is making sure everyone is using it:). For us, it helped to put a product owner on it. Ensuring that all the projects are tracked and mapped properly. Make sure to add deadlines, assigning stakeholders and inviting clients when needed. 

4. Google Drive

As an agency, we produce enormous amounts of data on a daily basis. The drive is for us the number one choice of storing it, very easy to share, create sheets, documents etc. A success factor is making sure everyone knows what goes there and what does not. Also, it gives endless opportunities to share data with clients and colleagues. For us using G Suite, it’s, of course, easy to use since it’s fully integrated with the rest of our suite. 


Seeing each other is extremely important when we are not meeting on a daily basis and are not seeing each other. Zoom gives you amazing video quality both from mobile and desktop and allows you to have hundreds of participants. External meetings and sales effort is also a part of being tested when we are all at home. With Zoom it’s easy to share and see data. As well as adding a personal touch to your meetings

To conclude 

All of the tools we are using have of course similar apps that do more or less the same thing. Which one you will end up using is based on your own preference. But I can’t stress my strong belief that number 1 on the list is the most important. Take care of your team and they will take care of your clients.

Stay safe and let’s hope that most of these apps soon will be redundant!


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