In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, Google made its second major update of 2020. The update was confirmed on 4 May by @searchliason  and named the “May 2020 Core Update.” The update will go on for 2 weeks from its initial date of release

The rollout takes one to two weeks, according to Google, before all improvements are official.

What to Expect 

In the past core updates from google, we have a mobile-first indexing trend, volume, consistency and relevancy  of the content of . The goal is to provide users with the best search results. 

However, the nature of Google’s search has also transitioned as a result of COVID-19. When you browse the Internet, people equate everything with the current pandemic. 

As the update is the first to be completed in the crisis at COVID-19, SEOs and other experts must carefully study the problem, given the volatility of the search rankings. 

Impact Of  “May 2020 Core Update” 

As Usual Google has not revealed much about the changes that this update will bring into the web world. So as long as Google confirms it, we can’t be 100% sure what serious impact it has on the performance of the websites. But looking back at the previous core updates and the reports that goes till date  has started giving an initial signals of the niche that has been seeing some ranking volatility since the “May 2020 core Update has been announced 

  • Health
  • Technology
  • Finance
  • Dating

These are the sectors that have  been affected by the “May 2020 Core Update” as per reports. 

What Can We Do

  1. Focus On Quality of the Content

As it is said 70% of the SEO revolves around the Content. When we say content, the google algorithm has come a long way on this. Still I see business focusing on very outdated practise of squeezing in Keywords. Volume is ofcourse Important but what is more important is the relevance of the same. You don’t want the target users to land in at the wrong page. 

Google always prioritizes high quality content. The study or the analyzes of a topic should be original and should be accurate. Don’t  go for vague clickbaits that deceives the target audience that affects the bounce rates. Give importance in providing content that is comprehensive, valuable and is relevant to what it is to be. Support the content with insights and analytics that supports the subject. As to say, Content relevant to the context performs better. 

  1. Update All the Thin Content

As per the Initial Reports, the sites that have been affected by the May 2020 core Update is the site with thin content are losing their positions. So Make sure to optimise the thin content. It should be absolutely relevant to the search intent of the user which has landed him to the specific page or topic.

This is a very important topic that needs to be addressed as Google Updates are focussing more on search intent, where the user  gets the most in depth and detailed answers to his search queries. Keep following our content hub, where we will have In-depth blogs on Importance of topical content and the Importance of Content Depth.

  1. Variations is Local Search

Not Confirmed but still there are many reports that suggest there are variations showing in Local Search results.  

Should We Be Worried

Many businesses who have suffered ranking  variations in search results as a consequence of the core update, no need to panic “you have not broken Google Webmaster Guidelines or endured any manual or algorithmic intervention.”According to Google that these updates may have websites that have unexpectedly gone down and vice versa. What you need to focus on is the Content. Keep focussing on creating quality content. While doing the same ask yourself these questions

  • Does the content  have the in-depth  knowledge that lets your audience trust it?
  • Are you creating content that is free from easily detectable factual errors?
  • Does the content lack consistency or structure?
  • When viewed on mobile devices, does it provide a better user-experience?

What’s Next

Since nothing regarding the impact of the current update has been officially confirmed by Google, we need to wait patiently before taking any actions on the website. Keep providing the users with relevant and comprehensive content. Keep on Track with @Searchliason as he keeps you posted on this Core Update.


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