Case Study


Website For Swedish Plumbing Mega Company


Spolosug is a Swedish sanitation and plumbing Mega organization that is serving since 1989 with a huge capacity and a big number of labor and staff considering that plumbing business in Sweden is so big and this particular service is considered one of the most essential services in the Sweden communities. They service both individuals and corporations.

What our partners
Have to say about us

“HOP has a great team. We have been working with them since the time it was established. We have a great partner in HOP who has helped us achieve exponential scale in our business over time.”

– Riddhi Ojha

Chief Technology Officer



Upgrading a website of a client that is big with over 30 years in the market is not an easy change and we have faced a number of challenges as following:

  • Client was not 100% sure of the change
  • Client wanted to keep a lot of out-dated elements from the old website to the new website 
  • Approving the frame was not easy since the client has a long list of standards and guidelines that we need to follow.
  • Approving the visuals was not an easy process at all since the client has outdated and non-trendy colors in their manuals and brand guidelines that were requested to follow.
  • The content was not the most delightful part since we were obligated to work with old out-dated content.


Working with such a client requires a level of understanding, and a lot of creativity outside ever box you would ever see, and here what we were able to do to come over the above challenges:

  • We presented a number of case studies to the client with actual and trusted numbers 
  • We managed to keep the elements from the old website but to updated their look, and feel to fit with the new website design and we changed their position to serve the overall purpose of the project without breaking the user experience plan we had.
  • We managed to present the wire-frames to the client in a way that explains the purpose of each and single part along side case studies that supported our wire-framing elements decisions. 
  • We have used other trendy shades of the colors that the client wanted to have which enabled us to maintain the brand identity and make the visuals appealing to the audience
  • We manipulated the content of the website to better fit it in the website pages

Other actions we have taken during the process:

  • Improve the CTAs in all the website pages to increase the number of leads
  • We positioned branding content across all pages to improve the quality of leads
  • We enhanced the website speed which affected very positively on the increment of the leads. 


After launching the website, we did monitor following results:

  • 35% less spent on Search campaign.
  • 35% increase in leads whereas the spent decreased by 35%
  • 50% decrease in the cost per lead
  • Website conversion rate increased by 55% to reach 8.21%
  • High approval rate from the audience 
  • Very positive feedback from the client’s customers on the new website 
  • Major SEO improvement and maintain/improve Major keywords positions on Google 

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