Social media has brought a revolutionary change in the business landscape. The audience is so actively engaged in talking about the brands they are interested in. To create a strong platform in this business environment you have to engage with your audience. This is where Social Media Listening plays a major role in Social Media Management in Social Networks.

Here are 5 ways you can Make Use of  Social Listening to your marketing strategy.

1.Monitor your Brand Mentions

Monitoring your brand is prime responsibility you have to keep on track with the social listening process. Social media being one of the crowded platforms used in the marketing sector, monitoring brand mentions is important. Social media brings you a notification to you about your brand mention only if someone mentions you directly or you are tagged in a particular post or conversation. But there are scenarios where people talk about your brand in the social media platform without mentioning or tagging you directly. In that case, it is important to know what is happening in social media about your brand. Select a social media listening tool of your choice which suits your need, enter your brand or keyword you intend to monitor you have your social listening process started.

2. To create better content

Always in Digital Marketing, you have come across the phrase “Content is the King”. Companies and brands use their assets like website, blog posts and social media to push content to their target audience. But the important part is the brands have to compete with the similar content pushed by the competitors and they keep monitoring their competitors with social media monitoring tools.

Since the competition is too high you have to create a content that fills the content gap with the competitors. The content you create should be personalized and should be relevant to the target audience.

Social Listening strategy is effective for tracking and generating relevant content ideas that your audience are interested in. By rewriting content with different structure in the content formats, you can be sure enough that you are creating content that is specific for the target audience in social media channels, your websites and blogs.

Search for relevant industry topics and push personalized contents that are relevant to your audience.

3.Competitor Analysis

Analysing your competitor’s marketing strategy is a vital part of creating an effective marketing strategy for your brand or business. Social listening is an effective way to do a competitor analysis. Analysing who your competitors are, on which platform they are active, the platforms they mostly use, and from which platform do they get most user engagement.

When it comes in the case of content; what kind of content strategy they adopt for their target audience, the type of content they push towards the target audience and how frequently they do the same. The type of audience who engage with their brand and what the audience talk about their competitors. Social Listening helps you to identify the pain points of your target audience where your competitors fail to deliver.

 4.Influential Marketing

Social media helps in identifying the latest trends that are happening around related to your brand and helps to identify the top influencers that your audience is interested in. Since influential marketing has become a pivotal marketing strategy for most of the brands many of the social listening tools come in with an inbuilt feature that helps in identifying the top influencers that your audience follow their influence in the social media platform. Just type in the keywords or brands you want to monitor and the tool will give you the top influencer details and the social media posts from related to the brand or the intended keyword.

5. To Engage with your audience

The success of every brand depends on how well they engage with their audience. It is very important to engage with your audience and track conversations in a timely manner, resolving their queries and concerns on social networks. On what platforms do they spent most of the time online, what they are talking about your brand. Resolve their concerns are queries which increases trust, credibility and brand reputation.

Be actively monitoring their online conversations, social listening can bring you real-time conversations about your brand; helps you to provide better online customer service to your audience.

To Conclude

Social Listening is an art that forms the core success of every brand or organisation. Nothing makes the audience or customer happy than the feeling of their favourite brand being actively engaging with them. It builds trust, credibility and brand reputation. Don’t Make the mistake of just listening, but engage; that completes a better social listening process.


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